Thursday, February 26, 2009

My mistress...Creativity

Creativity is a frugal mistress. She really is, sometimes it is an intense affair and sometimes there's the down cycle. You know the down cycle, made famous by She's The One. Well the other night it was off.

Sometimes I have a ton of drive, vision and productivity. I can't be stopped or slowed down. I am firing on all cylinders.

Other times though, I got nothing. I can actually feel it, physically. It's like a soft pressure over my forehead. Just slowing me down and creating a mallaise.

Luckily this never effects me, on the occaision, when money is on the line. Getting paid has a wonderful way of focussing me.

Anyway the real trick is knowing when to power through and when to give up. Last night I gave up and changed gears into doing something else.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the critique I got from the professional inkers at the Con. They mentioned I needed to start using brushes and nibs and less technical pens. Listening to their advice I started playing around with some quills. They are sweet.

I am going to start using these more often in my personal work and I can't wait to get some inking work in to try these out on.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

College students are idiots

Last fall I worked at Nassua Community College in the ceramics studio. It was a great job, one that I wish I still had. Anyway I witnessed a disturbing trend. No one comes to the lab, or at least very few. This seems to last through the 1st half of the semester.

Last night I was subbing for the guy that took my slot. 2 people were there and were gone by 7. From 7 to 9:15 I was alone until a student came in to pick something up then left. I remained alone until 10, when a student aid came in to throw a pot.

What annoys me is that every student pays for that studio to be open, either through there taxes or their lab fees. They are pissing there money away. I ended up making use of the time as best I could. I watched a movie that featured wood firing called, Kamataki. While doing so I did some doodleing that I will use for some T-shirt contests.

But I just recall when I was a student at NCC learning pottery and how you couldn't get me, or many others out of the studio. Looking at the state of things now, it is a night and day difference.

Very sad.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My weekend and the Oscars

Spent the weekend doing several things. Spent a lot of tie online looking through websties that I found out about from the Artist's & Graphic designer's Market book. There is jsut something about working online that seems to make the day fly by and also make me feel like I have accomplished nothing at all. That was the bulk of Saturday and Sunday during the day.

Saturday night I wnet out with freinds and we discussed the upcoming trip to Ireland that we are planning on for late August.

Sunday night I watched the Oscars. Overall the ceremony seemed ok, but strangely off beat. The big musical number Jackman did with Beyonce was extremely bland and dead weight.

Overall a good weekend, nothing fantastic, but good.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Recent Happenings

Took a break the last day or so from networking and looking for work because a rush job came in. From wednesday night to thurdsay afternoon I was working on a patent inking job. It feels good to work. Hopefully Frank will have more for me soon.

Now it is time though to get back to the daily scramble. I've written a new rant that can be read here: Angry Young Man...

And an new Helium article: Is Graffiti art?

Plans for the day are mostly clerical and trying to finish or progress on current personal projects.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting some work in

Got a call from my boss. He's got some stuff for me to do today, which is nice. The lack of work has slowly been getting to me.

Last night was a good night as well. I fixed a sculpture, started welding a new one. The new sculpture is cool because it is a wall piece, something i haven't tried with welded steel. Also wrote out another article and a rant. I will be posting them soon. Finally I was also able to load up that design to threadless, which saved me a lot of agrivation.

So today is looking to be better then yesterday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today's Frustration

Been trying to upload the illustration/doodle/sketch I did to a website However, they have a strange size and file requirement for a thumbnail file. 100 pixels wide by 70 pixels high, Gif file.

This has been a nightmare for me to convert. I have been trying to use "Save for Web" but all it's been doing is freezing my computer and forcing me to restart. It is frustrating the hell out of me, and has been slowing me down all day.

I think I'll have to do research on other t-shirt internet companies. Maybe focus more on

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Weekend Roundup

Nothing amazing happened to me this weekend.

Friday night I went to a ballroom dancing showcase. while there I liked the pose of the judge and took a pic of him with my phone. I based this sketch off of it. If you follow me on facebook, you might have checked it out already. I plan to submit it to

Saturday I split wood at Adelphi. 5 hours later I was hurting. Later that night I saw Taken with Gordon and Juliet. Do niot fuck with Liam Neeson, he is bad man.

Sunday I went to work. Did some clerical stuff and made the sketch. All in all an average weekend.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Internal/External Struggle

The search for work and money can be a diblitiating one, full of ups and downs. I search for work and a part time job every day. A good day is one where there is a lot to apply too, a bad day is when there is nothing and I am reminded of people I owe money too.

Mind you the application doesn't warrant immediate work, it just allows for some fleeting hope. Things haven't been easy ever, but they have definitely become harder since being laid off from NCC. The more I look the more I see non paying internship positions, or full time positions that I don't come even close to being qualified for.

The interesting thing is that I always seem busy. Tuesday I spent the day emailing back and forth to potential clients and employers. Wednesday I got a 7:30 wake up call to cover for a boss which kept my ass in gear all day in order to get my daily goals and obligations done. Yesterday was the same, as I have been spending more time at Adelphi trying to clean out my work, but also keeping up with my desire to cook dinner for the parents, I found myself again running around.

Over the past week I have done the following:

1. Applied or responded to at least 10 employement oppurtunities

2. Written 3 articles and 1 rant

3. Promoted the writting across numerous websites

4. Revised sketches

5. Finished my Sketchbook Project submission for The Art House Coop

6. Cooked 3 meals and 2 side dishes

7. Made 5 blog entries, and I am not sure how many tweets on twitter

8. Began building Ed White

9. Organized my email contact list

10. Submitted sloagans to Threadless

11. Emailed about the trip to Ireland

12. Covered a 5 hour shift at NCC last minute

13. Coated a sculpture for the outdoors.

Things that I have to do today:

1. Shoot and photoshop my Mom's work

2. Mass email the contacts I made at The Con

3. Compose an email for my illustration contact list

4. Call/email follow ups on a couple of jobs

5. Go to the bank/post office

Again this is what I remeber I have to do for today, there are otehrs things that need to be done down the line that are looming, plus whatever life throws at me. As I said to my Dad last night when I cam home to cook dinner, "It's not that I am not working, I am just not making any money."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Emergency Call

I was sleeping this morning and at 7:30 I got a call from a part time boss. He called me yesterday at the same time and asked me to fill in on the 23rd for someone, which i said will be no problem. Today he called and sounded like death warmed over. The poor guy sounds pretty under the weather and today is when he usually works until 10pm.

So anyway I will be covering him tonight. Unfortunetly, this leaves me very pressed for time and I was planning on making a veal french brasserie dish for dinner tonight. However, it does give me time to get out of the house and I can do other work while at the job.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's plans

Well the plans of the day are simple I have errands to run, food to buy and cook and sketches to finish. Namely the sketches for the debaucherie magazine cartoon. Later I am going to the studio. Pretty simple.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Con Wrap Up

So I have to say this years Con was different for me then previous. It wasn't so much about geeking out and commerce as it was about networking and learning. It was much more of an educational and business oriented experience. In some ways it really felt more like a seminar then the ComicCon's I've been to in the past.

But that's cool. I might not have had as much fun or seen as much cool stuff, but I came out of it with w wealth of information, several business cards and peopel to email and new understanding of how the business of comics works. More importantly I got some contructive and positive criticism on my DarkHorse submission and a general sense of encouragement and hope by industry professionals.

Now I feel I've been given better guidelines and pointed in the a better direction to getting into the comic book biz and establishing myself further as an illustrator. All in all a good Con.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Con day 2

It was another good day at The Con. Spent the day working on the career, not so much fun, but on the up shot I did learn a lot. I got to ask my annual question this year to Joe Quesada. Actually I asked him 2. One if he will be doing any more video letter cup o'Joe and 2, how i can get inking samples. They were the least nerdy questions asked at the panel.

After that I hit the floor again and Artist's Alley and got my work reviewed by 4 professional inkers. The general consensus is that I am not bad, have some talent and promise and what will really help me is getting the right tools of the trade.

Finally I went to some educational panels. One where I got to network with other cfreators and another about breaking into comic. Both were very good and useful. Also go take take some pictures today of people in cotumes and overall enjoyed the craziness that is The Con. Got some fun panels i am planning on going to tomorrow and in the next couple of days I will be loading some pics from The Con

Friday, February 6, 2009

Help me out

Hey here are some links to a site that pays peopel for slogans. I could use the cash so help me out and vote for it. Thanks

Slogan 1

Slogan 2

Comic Con Day 1

So I ventured to that land of all things geek today. I love going to Comic con, it's the one place where I know I am the coolest guy in the room hands down. Anyway we waited on line for about 45 minutes, after that it was right to the main floor. Gordon and I spent the first hour or so just taking in the Con and seeing what was what. To our surprised we immediately saw Scot Ian from Anthrax walking by with a friend. Much shorter then I though He would be, which makes his goatee ever more impressive.

Also while waiting onlineto buy snacks Marina Sirtis came up from behind us and got online. She played Counselor Diana Troy on Star Trek TNG kids.

All in all it was a good first day to the Con. Went to a couple of educational panels and hung out with my best friend. Can't ask for any more. Tomorrow I will be going to more panels, mostly educational and tripping out on all things geek.

Excelsior! As Stan The Man would say.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Search

The search for a part time job continues, but there hasn't been much to apply too. On the plus side I have been able to apply to a couple of things this week. Also I am working on a small comic for a magazine titled, Debaucherie. The editor liked my idea and had some notes, hopefuly it will get published. Of course I believe now that I mentioned it, it won't.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daily Regiment

I've written up and refined my daily regiment to look for part time work as well as promoting myself and my site. I figure rather then relying on my memory to do everything, by writing it down I will become more efficient. The daily tasks include posting to craigslist, writing here and using myspace and facebook to promote the site. Hope it works.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The start of the day

Woke up, looked outside and was immediately disheartened about the weather. This is what the 5th or 6th snowstorm? Anyway I did the usual search for work, and I think i found one ad to apply too. Joy! Who'd think it would be so hard to find a part time job. Any way, I have other things still to do on the web, like promoting

Oh yeah I am a free promotion junkie.

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Articles

My last meal:

The prime motivations of evil:

A guide to figure drawing:

At what point does the artist make art

I have spent about 6 hourse today working social networks, looking for work on job sites, up dating my website and so on. These are the things they never tell you in art school. They show you how to draw, paint, sculpt and so on, but nothing about promotion of the importance of the internet. I find in this economy connecting to people is becoming ever more important. At some point though I hope to get back to the drawing board.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super bowl and E-networking

That was one hell of a game! Loved every minute of it, and the commericals kicked ass too. Currently online brodening my social network.

Just got back from work

Did my usual sunday hours at the gym. Caught up reading some comics books. Brian Michael Bendis is one of if not the best writer in comics today, Secret Invasion was awesome. It just makes me hungrier to get back into reading on a regular schedule. God I need to make more money.