Friday, February 13, 2009

The Internal/External Struggle

The search for work and money can be a diblitiating one, full of ups and downs. I search for work and a part time job every day. A good day is one where there is a lot to apply too, a bad day is when there is nothing and I am reminded of people I owe money too.

Mind you the application doesn't warrant immediate work, it just allows for some fleeting hope. Things haven't been easy ever, but they have definitely become harder since being laid off from NCC. The more I look the more I see non paying internship positions, or full time positions that I don't come even close to being qualified for.

The interesting thing is that I always seem busy. Tuesday I spent the day emailing back and forth to potential clients and employers. Wednesday I got a 7:30 wake up call to cover for a boss which kept my ass in gear all day in order to get my daily goals and obligations done. Yesterday was the same, as I have been spending more time at Adelphi trying to clean out my work, but also keeping up with my desire to cook dinner for the parents, I found myself again running around.

Over the past week I have done the following:

1. Applied or responded to at least 10 employement oppurtunities

2. Written 3 articles and 1 rant

3. Promoted the writting across numerous websites

4. Revised sketches

5. Finished my Sketchbook Project submission for The Art House Coop

6. Cooked 3 meals and 2 side dishes

7. Made 5 blog entries, and I am not sure how many tweets on twitter

8. Began building Ed White

9. Organized my email contact list

10. Submitted sloagans to Threadless

11. Emailed about the trip to Ireland

12. Covered a 5 hour shift at NCC last minute

13. Coated a sculpture for the outdoors.

Things that I have to do today:

1. Shoot and photoshop my Mom's work

2. Mass email the contacts I made at The Con

3. Compose an email for my illustration contact list

4. Call/email follow ups on a couple of jobs

5. Go to the bank/post office

Again this is what I remeber I have to do for today, there are otehrs things that need to be done down the line that are looming, plus whatever life throws at me. As I said to my Dad last night when I cam home to cook dinner, "It's not that I am not working, I am just not making any money."

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