Friday, June 5, 2009

A day of meetings

So yesterday was the day where I had 3 art meeting.

The first was at a local TGI Fridays. The manager of the restaurant got in contact with me. She was looking for basically a set piece to put in front of a three step stairway to the bar area. It is part of a "bar Olympics" she told me. The budget is modest, but I think I will do it, if for no other reason that a lot of people will see it.

The next meeting was in the city with a woman who was looking for someone to do 20 sketches at $25 a sketch. It sounded like a good pay day, but when we were supposed to meet, she never showed. I waited for half an hour, but then had to get moving to another meeting. I found her number and called her, it turns out she was sick and at the doctor. My question is, if you are sick enough to go to the doctor, that means that you were sick earlier in the day and the day before. Therefore you could have sent an email letting me know you couldn't make the meeting. Anyway it has left a bad taste in my mouth, and I have to think if i want to work with this person now.

My last meeting of the day was with a group of comic book creators. It was a good meeting. I always enjoy meeting with other illustrators, because it feels me with enthusiasm and hope. It looks like at some point I will be getting some inking work in, which will help me build a portfolio, and the really cool part is that the work will be printed. So this could lead to an excellent marketing tool for me as well as meeting up with a great group of people.

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