So I've been plugging away at a bunch of different things. Right now that consists of getting a bunch of long neglected house projects done. Granted this isn't technically professional, but it is allowing me to clean the cobwebs of mind.
I know it is really just a grand form of cleaning my room before a term paper, but I feel it is quite necessary. I've spent so much time in work mode, just treading water, that it is nice to do something else and take in some oxygen. Also, with all this nice weather, if I don't get it done now, when will I?
Aside from that I am getting a little work done as well, slowly plugging away at it as it were. Also my work schedule seems to have solidified for the summer which is good and a huge relief.
So hopefully by the end of the week/month everything will be squared away and I will be able to devote the rest of the summer to my professional goals again.
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