So I finished another inking project, which always feels good. Now its time to finish off the last, long overdue project, the Pronto Spectacular! As of now I have 3 pages I need to work on. 2 need to be inked and 1 that I am pencilling myself.
I also have a final due date for them August 19th. Which is good because it makes me have to focus on them.
Aside from that, I've spent most of the day emailing and working on the Internet. Being the Editor-in-Chief is hell on the inbox, let me tell you.
I've also been very bust subbing this summer, to the point that I've been getting paid from NCC on practically a regular basis...that's always awesome.
What amazes me though is the speed in which this summer has flown by. Before I know it I am already in mid-August and soon, very soon, I will be back to work at Dowling. Who knows though, with the limited time left and the finishing of these project will i get the time to work towards my allusive goals, that have attained almost mythic, Holy Grail-like status.
We shall see...
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