Monday, December 13, 2010


My schedule finally caught up with me, as I got knocked on my ass by a case of the flu. It came on suddenly and I didn't think much of it, just a head cold. So when I was asked to cover at NCC, knowing I had to be at Dowling by 3 as well, I said sure. I've done a long day like that many times now. By the end of the day though, I was pretty shot.

When I finally got to bed I had chills, body aches and shivers, but I still got up and opened the gym at 5:30. now one of the few up shots of working at a gym is the array of people that you meet, that includes doctors and nurses. I described by symptoms to a nurse and she told me it was the flu. As soon as I could I promptly got myself right back into bed, and stayed there the remainder of the day.

However, not to be a complete slacker I brought the lap top to bed and did some Pronto work, emailing and some other computer stuff. Also I've been able to get to do some inking, which has been fun. This group of stories have been more on the technical side, which reminds me of my patent days and makes me grateful for that training.  

For the most part though if I wasn't at work I took it easy, and slept as much as I could. Today, I finally feel back to normal.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I had a good Thanksgiving and I hope you did too.

I spent a good part of it firing the wood kiln at Adelphi. The firing went very well. The combo of dry wood and thickened walls turned the kiln into an efficient jet engine. We achieved high temperatures quickly and used much less wood then we thought we would.

The real exciting part will be Sunday, when we unload the kiln and actually see the results. Considering the success of the firing process, we are hoping that the work will be equally amazing.

Aside from that Pronto Comics is now a publisher on It is a comic site that allows creators to sell the comics via pdf files. Its my hope that many of the creators will use this tool and start making some money off their creations and build an audience. Whenever I think of publishing or looking for publishers, m y mind immediately goes back to a graphic novel symposium I attended about 3 years ago. An editor at a publishing company made it very adamant that what they look for is...SALES!

Basically editors and companies want sure things and are not in the business of taking risks. Thus they want to know that there is an audience for the product they are putting out. To that end, I felt it is important for the creators to get their product out there to be sold.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wood Fire

This week Adelphi will be doing a wood firing, something I have been looking forward too for some time. I've been quietly making a discreet amount of work at Dowling in order to get ready for it. Not a huge amount of stuff, but enough that it will be worth doing.

One thing that I am curious about is this Jack Troy porcelain I got to work a little with. Recently at Dowling we had a guest artist who works with porcelain and she needed some pre-made bowls to demonstrate her carving technique. So I made some bowls/cups that didn't get used and figured since it was a wood fire porcelain, to see how it does in the wood fire.

Also since I had a lot of scrap porcelain and couldn't throw it into the recycle slop, I decided to make a slip out of it. I added extra silica and wood wash to it as well. I glaze fired it first to see if there would be any effect, but nothing. So lets see what the wood fire will do.

Anyway I am exciting and looking forward to it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Holy Sh*T 200th Post

Well I would like to thank God...

Yeah, OK, anyway back to reality.

So I was hoping that this month would be a little calmer then last, and so far its been a fifty/fifty mix. The first week of November was quiet and I was able to get a couple things I wanted to do done. Last week however, not so much. There were some unscheduled changes, unexpected sub-dates as well as some other surprise events that popped up. This week however, has been calm and I've been able to get a good amount done so far.

There has been a lot of emailing and discussing on the Pronto front. Also a good amount  of editing has been going on as well. A lot of pitches and scripts have been read, some really good ideas out there. One really big thing, is that I've made some serious headway in cleaning my office/studio. Boring as this may sound, it really is very important. As anyone out there has ever had to write a paper and needed to clean their dorm room first knows, there is something cleansing about working in an organized space.

Mythologicaly/metaphorically speaking they say that your physical environment represents your mental environment. I believe this to be true. While everything  was going on and things we so busy, I was just jumping from one thing to the next, not much time to focus my thoughts. I had to just keep moving, and the space around me reflected that. Now, I have a little more time to think, plan and organize my mind has cleared up significantly, which is good cause the holiday season is coming and that a roller coaster in of itself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


You may have noticed I haven't been writing much, (ok who am I kidding, no one reads this thing) there is a reason for that...I've been so goddamn busy I don't know if I am coming or going.

The last post I made I believe was the day after the Comic Con. Of which the bilk of the 1st half of the month was devoted, in addition to the meet and greet meeting that Pronto had several days after. All in all it was a successful turnout. With many people interested in what Pronto was doing and had to offer them.

The week after that was devoted to preparing for a showcase at The Ballroom, which went well.

Now this week, I have been subbing at NCC, on top of working my regular hours and when said and done will have worked 68 hours this week.

The upshot, I should make a nice penny.

The down, I am tired as hell and haven't gotten much Pronto/my work done.

Its all a trade off, but hey I'll be getting a paycheck. So I'm going to call it a win and go home.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quiet time

So the past month has been a bit of a world wind. If you are one of the no people who reads this thing, you might have noticed the lack of posting. I suppose there were several issues for the insanity: Getting back to work (adjusting my schedule), doing a lot of subbing at NCC during the day and most of all preparing for the big NY ComicCon, which just happened.

Pronto has been preparing for this for several months, printing up fliers, postcards, t-shirts, and most of all comics. I took 3 days off from my other jobs, but it wasn't a breeze in the park. It was hard work for 3 days, a lot of standing, talking, shaking hands and meeting people. In the course of the con, I went to numerous panels, planted post cards repeatedly in rooms and on tables, took a lot of cards and contact information and put comics in the hands of a lot of people. I was even able to do 3 podcast interviews for Pronto. So it was a lot of work, which hopefully, will pay off.

Other things that I have been doing are researching, working at all my other jobs and making some pottery. A couple of months ago I decided to go to the library and look up books on inking, freelance illustration, and marketing. I felt I needed to get more serious about my career and how I approach it. Also I wanted to learn more about inking and the craft that goes with it. I took out several books on comics and noir style of art, as well as general pen and ink illustration. Finally, I've been trying to take out one hour of every shift at Dowling to work on the wheel. I want to focus on making some production pottery to eventually sell online. I did some research into websites that sell crafts and artwork.

So as always I have my multiple irons in the fire...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to normail-ish

And so Labor Day has come and gone and summer is unofficially, officially over. This week begins my new work schedule. Today I'll be heading to Dowling to start replenishing glazes and slips and I am sure numerous other things.

Last Thursday we had a Pronto meeting at Pearl Studios, which was successful. A lot was accomplished and we should be coming into the convention season with guns blazing.

For my own work I've begun to update and rework my website, as well as researching marketing again. I am finding that if I make a detailed list everyday of what I need to accomplish it makes it easier for me to stay mentally organized and not get overwhelmed.

One of the reasons, I think, I was not as successful over the summer at accomplishing my goals, was that I wrote large ambiguous goals, like "work on website." Now that is a goal I've wanted to get to all summer long, but thinking about what it entails would often cause "paralysis by analysis." However, by writing down that goal and then writing down everything else that needs to be done:n updating my resume, adding/removing art, looking over the copy helps me realize what needs to done and allows me to focus and attack the project.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's back to school time

Yep that's right. I went back to my job at Dowling the other day, and it felt like no time has passed and there was no summer. In its own way, slightly bizarre. I am looking forward to being back in the studio though. I really enjoy my job at Dowling, making clay and glazes, loading and firing kilns and helping the students.

Also there is always the upside of being able to make art there as well. I hope to make some work this year as well. I have plans to work on my throwing, make some new busts and sculptures. It should be fun.

On the Pronto front, I have a meeting tomorrow and I finished another overdue page. That means I only have one more to do. Then there will be new pages to do and new projects, which I am looking forward too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Caught up...a bit

So I caught up a bit since getting back last week. Now I am preparing to go back to work at Dowling, which I am looking forward too.

Right now I am working on my long neglected page for the Pronto Spectacular. I've penciled it and done some inking, and currently coloring it. I hope to have it done by the end of the day. There is always plenty of Pronto work. I've been emailing like crazy, adjusting files and still have several scripts to read.

However, with all this work, I need to figure out a way not to loose what it is that I want to do. Recently I sat down and wrote down all the tings I would like to do. Also I've spent more time making quick lists of the tasks that need to get done on a daily basis. It reminds of something I read in a cookbook, to make lists to keep yourself organized and if you do it enough you begin to think in lists. Mentally able to check things off quickly and succinctly.

The thing to do now is to organize my mind and realize what goals need to to be achieved in what order. Instead of trying to do everything and getting mad at myself for not getting enough done.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to work time

So for the last couple of days I was out of town. While away though, and thanks to the wonders of modern technology I was able to stay on top of my email.

So now I have a lot of emailing, and catching up to do. I have a couple of final pages to work on before I get a whole new set of pages to ink by new artists. I am really looking forward to that.

Also NCC is done until the fall, so I am hoping to use this time to get a lot of things done off of my list. .

First and foremost though I need to do some cleaning and straightening out both on the domestic and professional front.

So I will be busy today.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wrapping it up

So I finished another inking project, which always feels good. Now its time to finish off the last, long overdue project, the Pronto Spectacular! As of now I have 3 pages I need to work on. 2 need to be inked and 1 that I am pencilling myself.

I also have a final due date for them August 19th. Which is good because it makes me have to focus on them.

Aside from that, I've spent most of the day emailing and working on the Internet. Being the Editor-in-Chief is hell on the inbox, let me tell you.

I've also been very bust subbing this summer, to the point that I've been getting paid from NCC on practically a regular basis...that's always awesome.

What amazes me though is the speed in which this summer has flown by. Before I know it I am already in mid-August and soon, very soon, I will be back to work at Dowling. Who knows though, with the limited time left and the finishing of these project will i get the time to work towards my allusive goals, that have attained almost mythic, Holy Grail-like status.

We shall see...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

final stages

I am coming to the end of inking...sort of. I am almost done with these last three pages of this story I am working on. As always I am approaching this systematically. Right now I am taking care of all the little details and anything requiring a straight edge of ellipse guide. 

After that I will do all the figures. I like to use quill and brush when working on the figure, it allows for my varied line weights. Where as for inanimate objects, building and backgrounds I am more apt to use mechanical pens. I got this advice from an inker I met last year at Comic Con, Nelson DeCastro. 

Overall these are the easier pages I have been saving for the end. That way my brain is a little less taxed. 

When these are done there are two more pages that I need to ink for another project, the Pronto Spectacular and then there is the very long overdue page I owe for the Spectacular that I am pencilling. 

On top of this it is time again for another Pronto Monthly Business meeting. So I will be spending a majority of my time tomorrow in the city. I am sure I will be busy, as there is always something that needs to be addressed or my attention is sought on some issue. 

It amazes me how fast the summer has gone, and how little I have gotten done on my list. The time seems to have just passed me by. I have been just as busy, but seemingly have just as little to show for it. 

Who knows...   

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

...and the inking continues

So as the title suggests I am still inking. My plan of attack is/was simple, take on the toughest pages first. Why is this my plan of attack, I have no idea. However, I am happy to get the toughest stuff done first.

These pages are in need of my full attention and a slow approach. They are filled with numerous details and two of them are splash pages.

Aside from that, all the other craziness of my life...continues.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mid Inking

So I have finished one project and now I am working on another. I about midway into inking the second project in my back log. It is going well, for the most part. I did some limited pencil corrections and immediately began inking the borders and working on backgrounds.

Hopefully, this project will flow easily. I am already enjoying it more, mostly because the e-i-c and editor jobs have been quiet for a couple of days. Speaking of which, because of the recent quiet I've been sending out several emails checking up on things. Granted this might come back to bite me, but I like to know what is going on. All in all though, my main focus now is finishing up these projects and getting them off my to do list.

In other news I've been doing a lot of subbing at NCC this week. That is always good and this week will be Pronto's first social meeting, which I am looking forward too.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Coloring, inkning and moving on

So I have completed one Pronto project. 6 pages inked and colored for the next upcoming space anthology. Now that those projects are done, I can move on to finishing up the other space story I have to ink. Which I am looking forward too.

After that, I have 3 pages for another Pronto project. 2 to ink and one very overdue page that need to be drawn, inked and colored.

Aside from that I am subbing regularly, which is always good in term of money. Also I am working a goo schedule at the gym. However, as I just realized the combination of the 2 jobs will be keeping me quite busy until the following Saturday. Its going to be like the regular semester all over again. So much for having downtime in the summer I suppose.

Its becoming more and more aware to me that I am a work-a-holic. How and why I came to this who knows. I suppose it is a mix of how I was raised and the field I've chosen. It is no secret that my dad always loved his work, and I know I've inherited that same passion. On top of that being in the arts field and out of work/looking for work for so long, I have a very hard time turning down any opportunity to make money. It just goes against my DNA.

As always I am in my constant serach for balance and to reach the big picture ideal. Working freelance as an illustrator/inker, part time tech assistant, writing, and selling my own pottery, sculpture, decorative paintings and merchandise out of my own studio. There is also a personal dream of adding food to the equation. (It always pops up when I watch No Reservations.) I suppose I suffer from having to many interests and passions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy Week

This week just seems filled with things to do both personally and professionaly. Now, I am sure you are asking yourself, "How is that any different then what you've been telling us for over the past year?" really don't know.

I guess its just that it feels "good" busy. I picked up a little extra work at the gym and I am subbing twice this week at NCC, which means some nice paychecks. 

Also though, I am still slow to get things checked off of my personal list of projects, I've been getting things done Pronto wise. I've been coloring those long overdue pages and will be moving on soon to inking the other overdue pages. Then I can finally finish off a couple of other pages on another book. As editor of War, things are starting to come together a little more. 1 story has been accomplished and is currently on Finally as E-I-C I am starting a list of things that Pronto badly needs. So that's what I mean by good busy, that I feel like I am getting things done. 

The goal now for the rest of the summer it to get my illustration/comics house in order for the month of July. Then in August to tackle my fine art life. In total I hope to return to Dowling more organized and disciplined then when I left, and with a little luck, a bit wiser. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Its slow going, but I do feel like I am getting somethings done. A lot of things have been squared away on the domestic front, which is good. Yard work has been finished, things have been cleaned and the pool has been opened. I only have one more thing I need to accomplish around the house and then the summer will be set.

On the professional organizational front I've typed out and posted my summer list. On it are the weeks of the summer left, my current work schedule, projects I want to finish and the best times to work on things. I hope to get the list done by the end of the summer and plan to do the first half in July and the second half in August. I want it up where I will see it to keep me on point and working.

Finally my mind is coming up with a coloring strategy for some of the pages I have for the space comic. I now have a vision in my mind of the limited palette I want to use for the background and popping out the characters with the colors described by the writer of the characters uniforms.

Last but not least, there is Pronto business, which is a learning experience in of itself. War is coming along slowly and often feels like pulling teeth. I am ready to put forth the new creative guidelines as well, which I've previewed to several key members. There are other things that are being worked out as well.

So as always I am keeping busy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Checking off the list

So I've been plugging away at a bunch of different things. Right now that consists of getting a bunch of long neglected house projects done. Granted this isn't technically professional, but it is allowing me to clean the cobwebs of mind.

I know it is really just a grand form of cleaning my room before a term paper, but I feel it is quite necessary. I've spent so much time in work mode, just treading water, that it is nice to do something else and take in some oxygen. Also, with all this nice weather, if I don't get it done now, when will I?

Aside from that I am getting a little work done as well, slowly plugging away at it as it were. Also my work schedule seems to have solidified for the summer which is good and a huge relief.

So hopefully by the end of the week/month everything will be squared away and I will be able to devote the rest of the summer to my professional goals again.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Settling in

I've been settling into my new relaxed routine nicely. Catching up on projects, cleaning up and working around the house.

Its quite cleansing.

I've started to work on some comics again, as well as spending time organizing myself physically as well as mentally. By my count there are 11 weeks in the summer, counting this one. I have a list of projects and goals, and I've broken down my time and weekly schedule. The last thing I need to do is organize the tasks, duties, and projects into the days and weeks I have this summer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where I've been

Well the short answer is simple, very busy.

The last month was like a blur. Dowling ended and as is the way of any school year ending, it was a mad dash to the finish. Constant firing, cleaning and general answering of questions. I was doing the same when I subbed at NCC as well.

On top of that I was covering a bit more at my other job, since my boss went on his honeymoon.

Finally I've been working on a personal, non art project, which has been taking up my time.

However, with the summer here I am looking forward to getting some long neglected projects accomplished, illustrations, writing, comics and so on. Also I've been cleaning and organizing my life to where I want it to be again. Finally, I've been appointed as the Editor in Chief of Pronto, so this will be a new list of responsibilities.

So to sum up, I'll have a little less work, but will probably be just as busy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An anniversary

Tomorrow will mark the first anniversary of pronto comics. To which I am quite amazed. In a year a lot has happened and most importantly for me, I have been part of 3 books and began building my own inking portfolio. So in that regard I do feel successful in that goal.

Dowling is going well, but also wrapping up. There will be no summer session, which leaves me with mixed emotions. On one hand that will free me up by the end of the month, on the other, that means a dramatic decrease in income sooner then I anticipated. It will also leave with a bit of a quandary, to look or not to look for summer work.

While I've been working at Dowling a lot of things went on the back burner. My illustration goals being top of the list. All the while I was hoping to spend the summer working on the projects that have I wanted to get to, but hadn't had the time to work on. That being said, money is money. I will still be working at the gym and hopefully will be getting some sub work at NCC, but NCC takes at least a month for me to get paid. So that is its own issue...

Finally it will be time to pick up my brushes and inks again. I will be working on another story for Pronto's upcoming Space Anthology, as well as working on a CAG anthology called Iconic 2. So I am excited about this.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The slow wrap up

So with every week I am getting closer to the end of the semester at Dowling. Unlike other colleges Dowling is a pretty steady and calm studio, not a lot craziness. When the semester ends, hopefully I will be working through June during a summer session. Overall though, things should be a little quieter for me in the near future. I am looking forward to this.

Lately, as I am sure that the 3 people who read this blog know, I have been feeling very stagnant. I've been finding it difficult to get my goals done and to find the energy to work on the projects I want to do. Right now I can't even find the motivation to clean up my work space or get a Times Round Up done.

I am wondering if this is what the slow burn out looks like, or rather feels like to live through. I do know a change of pace is definitely needed on my part. I am looking forward to the summer with an excitement I haven't had since I was in grade school.

On other positive fronts though, the war anthology is coming along slowly, very slowly, but there is still progress being made. I have come to the conclusion that the deadline is blown and we will not be ready for the Philly conference. Such is life though, there is not much more that I can do other then to keep pushing people and try to create the best possible book that Pronto has put out yet.

In other comic news, I have finally been approached by CAG to work on their second Iconic project. I have been talking to the editor and he should have some pages for me to work on soon. Having seen the artists work, I am excited to ink these pages. It would be a style of pencils that I haven't worked on yet and would be far different then any one's style that we have in Pronto.

Finally, I am still having success in drawing on a regular basis. I've been making consistent efforts to do little sketches from life, caricatures and working from pictures in my sketch book. So at least on this front I feel pleased with myself.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back to a normal rythm

So this week is a return to what could be considered my "normal" work schedule. Whatever normal means for me that is. Anyway I am hoping that with going back to normal hours, I'll have a little more energy and a little more free time to get my own things done. Not too long ago I took a long look at my schedule and goals that I want to accomplish and adjusted it for the actual reality of my life as opposed to what I think would be ideal. Now that life swhould be a bit calmer, I hope to put this into effect.

On the upside though, I have been finding a little more time to draw/sketch. I haven't been working on any illustrations like I want to, but I have found the time to do some sketching either in my sketch book from photos or quick gesture drawings from life on index cards. The index cards are a trick I picked up from an SVA professor, and seems to work well.

Also, though the war anthology isn't running as smoothly as I would like, there is some slow consistent progress being had. The amount of personal juggling, organizing and just general people skills that are required is fascinating, but good practice.

In terms of other personal projects, working on the dinner set is coming along well. I finished the cups and most of the goblets. The bowls have been thrown and trimmed and now need to be fired. Next I need to move onto plates. Once this is done then I can actually move onto some sculpture, hopefully over the summer.

Lastly, I just got an email from the NY CAG coordinator. It looks like I will still be inking pages for their anthology ICONIC 2. So I am looking forward to that as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hustlin, hustlin

Its been an interesting week. To make up for being off on Good Friday and Holy Saturday I worked extra hours last week and will work extra hours this week. Also I covered some extra hours at NCC as well.

The big occurrence though was this weekend, when I went to the Mocca Festival. I went with the Pronto Crew and supported our previous and current anthology. I feel it was a good start, in terms of our first convention. But there can always be room for improvement, and in our case much room. This will come with experience though.

The war anthology is constantly on my mind. It is a never ending juggle of who is in, who is out, who can make their deadlines and who is flaking out. After this posting, I will probably spend some more time emailing people for status updates and trying to put together an idea of how this anthology will work.

On the up shot, I've found myself drawing a bit more. So that is something I am happy about.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

War obsessed and catching up

So there are several things going on in the next couple of weeks. First, because Dowling was closed on Saturday and Sunday for Easter, I have decided to make up those 12 hours over this week and next. This way i will still get the same size check.

The next big thing that seems to be consuming a lot of my time is the War Anthology. I anticipated that it would take up much of my time, but anticipating and living are two different things all together.

One thing that I was able to do is take stock of my current schedule and revising the things I want to get done to realistically accomodate it.

However, as I said above the War Anthology is all consuming. So we will see what happens.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Adjusted schedule

I am making slow progress on the Pronto page I've been working on. The real difficulty now is finding time. I remember while taking an illustrations class at SVA, a discussion about the difficulty of being and illustrating and working full time. It eats up your time and when you do have time to work on a project your usually tired and don't want to work. This week though is particularly weird though with the many adjustments to my schedule because of the holiday week.

I can certainly relate to this now. That being said, I feel if I look carefully at my schedule and try to adjust accordingly I will more efficient.

That being said, I feel I and my team of writers have been making excellent progress on the war anthology. So where I feel lacking in one area, in other I feel positive. I guess it all balances out.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Working on a page

So the upcoming week will be interesting. The week is always different when a holiday is in the week. Dowling will be closed on Friday and Saturday, so I won't be working there, but I will make up the hours next week.

There will be several other things this week that will come up, which change the normal routine.

The big thing that I need to work on is to finish penciling a page for the Pronto Spectacular and then eventually inking and coloring it as well. Ideally I would like to get this done this week, hopefully before the end of it.

I also have decided to re-work my daily/weekly priorities list. Cause I look at it, with my schedule, the demands that I've put on myself are just no as realistic as I thought. So I need to change my time frame of my goals. Perhaps if I can relax about what I want to get done, I will be able to get more done in the long run, and not feel at creatively blocked/frustrated.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crossed some things off the list

I've gotten some things done on the list I made last week. That always feels good. However, some personal things as well as illustration stuff is still not coming to the forefront the way I would like.

In a sort of strange ironic circumstance I haven't been able to work on my own illustrations because I've been working on comics. I've been doing sketches for a page in the Pronto Spectacular project. I actually need to have the finished pencils done by tomorrow. A deadline I am not sure if I will make fully, luckily I am moving along and a good enough speed that if I am late, it won't be by much.

Also I am now editing a new Pronto anthology on war. So this is cutting into my time as well. Its strange my goals are getting in the way of my goals....

Anyway I am beginning to wonder if I need to rethink my idea of productivity. If I am indeed just shoveling shit against the tide, when I should in fact be riding the current a bit more. Would it be the end of the world if i only self promote and most of my Internet work on Wednesdays, when I have the most time to do so?

I suppose it wouldn't.

Perhaps instead I should focus on my old strategy of "one project at a time, every project a success." Those projects would be (for myself) new illustrations/drawings, updating my website and putting out a new mailing. If i focus on each of those project one at a time, in that order I might get more done, then trying to do all three at once.

As far as Pronto goes the project are finishing up my page, editing the war anthology, inking. That is in order of due date, roughly.

Everything else in my life, I'll handle when there is free time, or I can make free time to do so, I suppose.

Another thing though, is that i have resigned myself to the fact that if I am not juggling a million things at once, while going at full speed, I don't know what the hell to do with myself.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Over the last week or so I've been feeling overwhelmed with things to do and the subsequent feeling of failure at not getting enough done. In some ways it feels like my head is filled with too many things at once. The last couple of nights its been hard to get to sleep with thoughts racing around my mind.

So last night I spent a couple of minutes sitting alone in a quiet room with the lights off clearing my head. Then I started writing down everything I needed to do, from the biggest professional project to the most common place task. I filled up a page in one of my legal pads.

However I find things are easier when they are put down on paper and made into a list. It makes it conquerable. Now I feel like I can chip away at this list and actually get things done without feeling overwhelmed, well almost not overwhelmed.

As usual though it would be helpful to have 4 more hours in the day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Trickling progress

Not sure of what to write today. Chipping away at things little by little. I was sitting downstairs last night in my work space and looking over a list of daily tasks. I put it up to remind me to do certain things every day. In the beginning of the year I was pretty good at getting these "exercises" done every day or almost every day.

As of late not so much.

I suppose to some degree, due to my human failings, I will always strive for an ideal that is unattainable. I will probably never quite get things to the level or a well oiled humming mahcine that I want it to be. It will always be a Sisyphean effort in some regard.

That being said, I believe I should strive for it. One of the best ways to start is to go back to working on my daily, weekly and long term tasks. Particularly while the times are as close to quiet as they can be.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Quiet again/

So hopefully now my life will begin to resemble some small form of calm and normalcy. Who knows if it will though. All I know is this week I am working normal hours and have no special projects pending. So hopefully it will be an easier week.

Last week I got a lot done, whether I wanted to or not. I did my usual work, plus extra hours, put out some blogs and a Times Round Up which became featured content on Redgage, met with the Pronto Comics crew, worked on some bowls and cups for a friend, put out a much overdue food blog and got to meet a visiting artist at Dowling which was quite inspirational.

I feel a little proud that I made it through the week and got so much done. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up too much in the craziness.

Now that there is some kind of calm for the foreseeable future I want to try and take advantage of it. A pronto collaborator has a project he wants me to work on, so I hope to start on that this week. I want to get back to writing articles for helium, I need to start looking through my mailing list and getting ready for a mailing and maybe, just maybe, start cracking on my long back burnered personal illustration projects.

We'll see what I can get done.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A lot going on, on all fronts

I have often told people that I need 4 more hours a day. I need a 28 hour day. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. But things seem to be going well professionally, for now.

This week I am catching up on my hours at Dowling, since I lost out last Friday due to the snow day. I am also catching extra hours at the gym since the boos will be away for a long weekend.

On the comics front, the inking and coloring is finished and the pages are being lettered. The overall anthology project is going well and we will have a big meeting this Thursday to discuss future projects and to implement some of the advice we received last Friday from the DC Comics editor Mike Siglain.

Personally the meeting was a good kick in the ass in terms of motivation as well, giving me some realizations. For over a year I haven't been collecting comics due to monetary restraints. He gave me some advice and told me to collect again. Explaining to me that how could he or any editor believe I was really passionate in comics if I wasn't collecting and that I need to be able to hold a conversation about what is current in comics as well as in inking.

It was much needed and welcomed advice. I think the group as whole has done well to listen and reflect on the advice he gave last Friday.

Also once this week is done, I plan on throwing myself back into pursuing my illustration career and promotion. I will begin working on my mailing list again and get cracking on some new illustrations. As well as implementing the advice I received from Mike Siglain. The big thing though is to not, strange as it may sound, let life get in the way of the goals I have for my life.

So anyway, hi ho hi ho back to work I go...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Finished projects

So I have finished my work on the new anthology, as far as I know anyway. These last set of pages are now inked and colored. I put a lot of love and effort into them and tried to make them look as good as I possibly could.

With this project put to bed, I now have to think of what is next. To some degree I want to get back to more writing. I haven't published an article with helium in some time. Also there is a long list of illustration ideas that need to be looked into. There is also the matter for doing a promotional mailing which has been put off for too long.

Today specifically, I want to get to my NY Times round up, as well as maybe a food blog post. I have a bunch of content that I could put up, and I want to get to it before I forget anything.

Anyway there is always more to do.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inking Progress

So despite the snow, I was able to get several things done as well as shoveling the driveway. I was able to finish inking this set of pages. Now I can make some copies and do some color studies. Color studies are almost, if not more, important then ink studies. I feel the color has some many more options, and thus opportunities, to screw up. Much more then ink could provide.

Tonight, I have work at Dowling. I have a good list of things that need doing in the studio, which i will get cracking on as soon as I walk in the door.

Busy, busy busy...need a couple of more hours in the day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another snow day?

Despite the snow today, I still got up and got to work before the sun. Though if you look outside, you really can't tell that the sun came out. AS Louis Black has said, 'It just gets greyer and greyer and then one day you wake up and its the greyest day you've ever seen, and then the next day its even greyer!"

Aside from the though the snow isn't as heavy as last week, so I actually hope to get somethings done today. Most of the inking is done on these next pages, and while I've been inking I've been thinking of how to color it. My plan, as with the inking, is to keep and even enhance the abstract style of the penciler. To push the loose simple style, so everything seems to work fluidly. Hopefully this will work well with the story and overall.

Once these pages are done I can focus on the list of illustrations ideas, that I made some times ago. Also I need to focus on setting up another mailing/promotion round.

Also on the horizon is some non-pronto inking. I am going to be working on an anthology book for CAG, The Comic Book Artists Group. They are a good group of writers and artists trying to promote and help up and coming creators.

So luckily things are getting checked off the list, albeit slowly.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Working on the weekend

As the title suggests I worked this weekend, though this is not news, I work every weekend. I worked all day on Sunday, and while doing so I got some inking done and then proceeded to continue inking later at home.

Things are moving along well with the pages and I hope to have them done by the middle of the week. Then I can send them to the penciler and he will add the text.

Aside from that though the weekend was pretty standard. Things are going well, not great, not terrible, but well.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day

So today is a day off due to the snow. Dowling waited to the last minute to close, but close they did.

So what to do today...

Shovel will be high on the list I am guessing.

Also because of the weather I won't be catching the same amount of extra work I thought I would be getting at the gym.

Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men often go agile.

Still there is always something to do, and I have plenty of projects both professional and personal to work on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day off tomorrow?

Now with the never ending news coverage of this storm coming our way tomorrow there is the possibility of me having a day off. Supposedly the storm should start tonight at 11 or midnight and keep going until 6pm. I start work at 5:30, so there is a possibility that the college will close and I won't have work.

As nice it would be to have a day off, it will also cost me in terms of not working. If I don't work I don't get paid and thus is the quandary of my life as I have designed it, thus far.

If I do have the day off tomorrow, it will balance out as I was on schedule to working around 50 hours this week, catching extra shifts at the gym. So instead of 50 hours it might be more then 45, which is still over full time and more money in the next round of paychecks, so that is always nice.

the one thing that I plan on doing with the extra free time, as well as extra work time is to wrap up my inking projects. I have read the story of this second group of pages and studied the pages and made my game plan. Tonight I plan on doing some ink tests and then some color tests, to create the necessary road map. I am pretty confidant that by the end of the week/next Monday I should have this project completed.

So things are moving along at a good pace. I still need to work on my balancing act of work/art/writing/promoting. Sometimes it seems like I have it just right, but then I start working on this inking projects and things get skewed, and I want to be able to work on special projects and still have things running along smoothly. I suppose it is the perfectionist in me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Clearing the way and a light at the end of the tunnel

Last week I didn't really make any postings on this blog. I just didn't have the time. I was finally putting to bed the 1st set of pages that I was inking for the new Pronto Comics Anthology which should be coming out in March/April.

Now that that 1st set of pages has been completed I can move onto the second set form another artist. These pages I will not only ink, but also color them as well. It should be a fun process though, as this penciler has a completely different style from the last and will allow me more freedom in how I treat the pages.

When these pages are finished things should be pretty free for me again. I should be able to move onto my own projects and get back to a regular writing schedule as well.

Something else that is now over is my practice and preparations for a non-art related event that happened on Friday. I enjoyed preparing for this event, but it did take up a lot of my time and to devote myself to it I had to put somethings on the back burner. Now that my schedule is a bit freer everything should be just that little bit easier to accomplish.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy weekend

This was another busy weekend. I worked my regular two jobs as well as working on projects.

On Saturday I had work at Dowling and there was much to be done: organizing the studio, cleaning and mixing glazes. I was busy all day.

Later that night I went home and worked on the pages for the new anthology. Right now I am focusing on the backgrounds. One panel was an entire establishing shot, possibly one of the most complicates panels in all the pages I have. It took me quite sometime, but the panel looks good, as does the rest of the page.

Sunday I opened the gym and then came home at noon. After eating, I went to work on a laundry list of things that needed doing. First was cleaning my studio area, sometimes too much stuff piles up and it needs to be addressed. Then I organized my files into multiple categories such as alcohol, food, finance and so on. Once things we finally in their place, I started working on a long overdue food blog. I then moved onto the weekly Times roundup. The day finished up with me working on a sketch for a logo design for a company that contacted me last week.

All in all it was quite busy, unfortunately I wish I got more time on the inking.

Hopefully today I will get more time to work on them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

my inking strategy

Now that I am in the thick of inking of I am trying a new strategy. Not that there was anything wrong with just inking one page at a time, but perhaps there is a way that could be faster and more psychologically satisfying. So instead I am treating all the pages as one. Focusing in on sections of inking as opposed to panel to panel. So right now I am just filling in the blackest blacks, then I'll work on backgrounds, move on to the figures and finish up with corrections and fine tuning. Whether or not this will work, I am not sure, but it is worth giving it a try.

Once these pages are done, I have another set of pages not only to ink, but also to color. These are vastly different in style from the pages I am working on now. Once those are done, I want to keep the creative work going. I listed my ideas for illustrations so now I'll be more focused in the future.

I've been given some encouragement to draw more from a Pronto colleague actually. Over the weekend, as I mentioned before, I worked on a logo design. I didn't get the gig, but I got several encouraging words from my friend asking why I don't make more illustrations. so with that positivity I want to keep things moving along, and hopefully I will.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Inking time

So I am in full force inking mode. Working on my first set of pages, so I can move onto my second set next week. Since all the tests are done I have a good road map as to what I want to do and accomplish. The only obstacle is finding time. Time is always an obstacle it seems.

Aside from that there is not much to write about today. I made a submission to a gallery yesterday as a PR writer. I will be waiting to hear back from them. If I get it it would be a nice new feather in my cap, so I am crossing my fingers.

Other then that things are humming along well. I am slowly making progress in the right areas and I just need to keep plugging away.

Monday, January 25, 2010

got some stuff done

Things are lining up slowly, but surely. I didn't get a huge amount of things done this weekend, but I did get some stuff done.

The big thing was that I got the boards for me to ink on Friday. So i was finally able to start doing pencil corrections on them, which are all done. Now I can finally start inking, and that is a huge relief.

Also on Friday I got an email from a friend and colleague about some one looking for a logo design. I am pretty proud that I was able to get and idea out and on paper over the weekend, an sent it to him last night.

Aside from this I also got a good amount done at Dowling making several glazes, a fresh batch of clay, firing a kiln and numerous other things that needed to be done.

Finally I was also able to get several errands that were mounting accomplished. I finally bought some accessories that I needed for my car, which will help me transport my art supplies, welding equipment, and metal. I also bought new paints, and was able to order a necessary book for putting together my mailing list.

So it was a productive weekend which I hope to to extend into this week.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What to do, what to do

There is something that happens to me, and in talking to others, I know its a common occurrence, in moments of calm or free time I forget what I wanted to do. Today is such a day. I have most of the day off, not starting work until tonight at 6.

I know there are things that I wanted to do. There are illustrations that I want to get started, pencil corrections I can begin to make, articles and rants to type up, financials to look at and errand to run.

It is a bizarre things because clearly I know the things that I want to do, it is really more of not being able to remember how to get it done. In certain ways writing this blog is very helpful. As I am sure I have said in the past, it helps me focus my thoughts and concentrate on what needs to be done.

So the real trick is getting started. Many things have been squared away and organized, there is still more that can be of course. One could relate this to the student that has to clean their room before writing a term paper, I guess. However, I am going to try a technique I've used in the past, and that is to simply put what i need to do right in front on me, forcing myself to deal with it.

We'll see how that goes...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Seeing some progress

I was able to finish my tests yesterday. More importantly I was finally able to send them off the the penciler as well with some notes on the pages. Now that they are done, I will wait for the penciler to get back to me.

With this mini-down period, and I mean mini, I am hoping to get a little visual reference work done for my own illustration ideas. Also there are things I want to write and publish online. Also I have to do a booze review tonight and submit it to sex herald's new booze editor.

Tomorrow and this weekend I'll be working at Dowling and doing some of my own work I hope.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Inking and ceramics

Well with the house just a little neater, I am able to get a little more done. Last night I did get a chance to work on my ink tests and I am now working on the final one. Once this is complete I can actually start on the boards. Thanks to the ink tests, the boards should go by very quickly, which is the point of the tests.

In a nice little confidence booster, someone contacted me about doing some illustrations. Unfortunately though the turn around that they wanted it done by was too short. There would have been no way that I could have gotten it done with my current schedule. Though it is nice to be asked, as dumb as it sounds. It is just too bad they didn't have more time, or that to ask sooner rather then when they needed it ASAP. it has been my experience that many underestimate the art process and just don't understand that it takes time.

Tonight I have work at Dowling. There is a lot to do. Unloading kilns, mixing up glaze samples and a couple of other things as well. Plenty to keep me busy for the 4 hours that I am there.

Also I need to find some time to do a booze review for sex herald, as well as some other typing and writing. Hopefully i will able to get it done tomorrow.

As always there is just not enough time in the day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Less productive day

Went to work this morning and then came home and took a nap. Aside from that I have been rather less productive then usual today. I have a couple of tings to do around the house, but I am hoping that later this evening I will be able to do a bit more.

The last couple of days though have been good. I've been able to work on my inking tests, and I just have 1 more to do. Also I've gotten some writing done and been able to put out my Sunday Times round ups on a regular basis. The only thing that i need to do which I have been neglecting is putting out a food blog.

Artistically there are other things that I have been on the back burner, but I feel confidant that I will be getting to them soon.

Right now the big thing for me it too, quite literally, set my house in order. I am not compulsive about needing to keep my area clean, or having to clean before getting to work, but there is something to be said for keeping a clean area. This though goes beyond just tidying up, long overdue projects need to get done.

Tomorrow, I have work at Dowling and i will see what else I will do.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Writing, drawing and clay making

So I have several things that need to get done today. I am a little late on my reviews for the Christmas season kept me a bit busy and I didn't have time to write them up. So I plan on part of the day being devoted to writing.

I have also been working on my ink studies for the new anthology. I am hoping to finish them in the next day or two and then I can start working on the actual boards. With the questions answered and the plan made, the actual inking will be much easier.

Finally tonight I start back at Dowling. As is usual, my supervisor sent me an email letting me know what needs to be done. Top on the list is making some new clay. While we were away the clay hardened beyond use. So we are trying to soften it back up and I have new clay to make. It was a good thing that before I left I broke down and prepared a lot of clay to be recycled.

So as is a typical day for me, it will be a busy one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to...everything

Well the 2 week break that was the holiday season has come to and end. though it didn't feel like much of break, since I stil worked, albeit only at one job. This week marks going back to my regular, or as close to regular, schedule. I'll be working at the gym and back to Dowling tomorrow for the winter interim class.

With the new year comes an assessment with the old. I can't say it was the greatest year I've ever lived, but it definitely had some good points. It was the first year where I made major strides in my professional goals. Now this year, hopefully, I will be able to build upon them.

To do this I've created new daily and weekly tasks that need to be done, to keep me on track. Also I am lucky that Christmas has afforded me some new/old tools that will help me. This years goals though, mostly revolve around illustration and sculpture. I hope to get some actual freelance jobs this year, put out more comic book content with Pronto and finally get more sculpture shows.

This year I plan on being more consistent with my mailings and promotions. I also hope to create a fourth website for my sculpture portfolio. Finally this year I want to get running at the level it should be. Its going to be a long year, but hopefully it will be even more productive then last year.