Friday, May 29, 2009

The Comp Continued

Well the drama of my computer continues. I went down to Best Buy yesterday and talked to the Geek Squad, they don't know what is going on with my computer. Apparently it was real pain in the ass for them, because every time they tried to run a diagnostic it shut down. So they will be sending it out for service, which means (depending on if they have the part or not) that I will be without my computer for 2 weeks. So it will be 2 weeks of hobbling along for me...oh well I guess, at least I am not paying for it.

When this is all done I am going to look into extending my warranty to be safe. Right now it is paying off in spades, so why not get the extra protection if I can.

Other then that I wrote 3 new articles yesterday, which I am going to type up and submit today. I also have another booze review to do and other general personal tasks.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


For awhile I have felt less and less motivated. Probably due to burn out and stress, but having gone away for Memorial day weekend, I feel a bit more energized. I've been getting up earlier and overall feeling more productive.

Strangely what also is helping is not having my computer around. Since I am using other people computers, it has forced me to focus and get what I need to do done and not dick around.

Speaking of my computer again, I got a call from the Geek Squad, they aren't sure what is wrong with it and I believe they need my approval to send it out to be worked on.

Anyway I am feeling more energized and motivated which is good of course.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My comp

As some may already know, my comp is down. I brought it to the Geek Squad yesterday, where I was told it was most likely the motherboard. Luckily when I bought the computer I paid for a 2 year warranty, which covers the computer. If i hadn't I would have to pay for a new motherboard which is equivalent to practically buying a new computer.

For the time being I will be using my mom's laptop and my dad's pc. However, this still hinders me working on my animation, as well as editing any other images or accessing any articles. Not too mention it is just a major pain in the ass.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A good weekend

As some know I spent the weekend in VT with my parents. It was a good weekend get away, much needed. I did no work in any way while there. That was nice.

For the most part I bought a lot of beer and some wine. All of it for the upcoming party for my dad's 70th birthday.

I, as always have a lot to do, both personal and professional. This week I want to finish editing my "Illinois Boys" video. This will be difficult though since I will be bringing my computer to the geek squad today. Also I want to send out my next mailing of postcards. I have several reviews to write, as well as some other idea I want to get down on paper and some other illustration ideas.

Next week will be busy as well. A class at SVA I've been wanting to take for awhile will start on Tuesday. There is suppose to be meeting of fellow comic book creators on Thursday. Friday is an opening out at Mather Hospital and Saturday will be the dance showcase I've been preparing for.

So a lot has to be done and much is coming up. I better get moving...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting ready for the weekend

Trying to finish up my new video before the weekend. If I do that would be great, if not it will be there for me when I get back.

I have another thing to work on for patents. It is more of a test though then a paying assignment. Hopefully I will do well with it.

With a little bit of luck I'll also be able to get some writing done this weekend as well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

slowly progressing

Spent a good part of last night editng images for my new animation. For some reason it felt slower last night then it did before. Who knows why? But I think it is coming along nicely.

Aside from that, slowly working on other goals.

That's about it right now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wrapping things up

For memorial day weekend I will be going away. This gives me an excellent deadline to push me to get things done that I have been procrastinating on.

I have to finish the "Illinois boys" animation.

I want to work more on my wordpress blog, promoting it and adding plug-ins.

There are other goals to work on as well. Frankly there are always other things to work on. Maybe one day i will get out of the groundwork stage and into the smooth running machine stage. Who knows, but I would like to moving from building to maintenance some day.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Whats been going on

Last couple of days have been busy. Too busy to write out any blogs. Though as I sit here trying to recall them I have a hard time doing so. The bulk of the end of last week was made up of finishing a patent assigment. It needed to be in by friday. I finished (what I thought was everything) and handed it in.

This morning I got an email saying that I missed a figure. Which means I handed in an incomplete job. I hate this. I hate screwing up. As a freelancer you are only as good as your last job, so whenever I mess up I am very unforgiving of myself.

Aside from that it feels like I have been doing the general running around that is my life. Similar to being a hamster on a wheel. Running running running, but not quite going anywhere seemingly. Perhaps I am moving forward, some days it is hard to tell.

On some positive notes, NCC money seems to be finally coming in regularly, I got my new batch of postcards in which means I will be sending out another mailing soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busy day

Well Today I want to get some work done on the patent job. Hopefully I will be able to get a sheet of 2 done on that. Also I have reason to start making work again. So I will be going to Adelphi to do some welding and what not.

Aside from that there are the usual tasks and errands to run. Also I may be practicing tonight for the upcoming showcase in June. All in all a simple yet busy day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

So much to do....

Well my life finaly feels liks it is getting back to some resemblence of normality. There is plenty to do and I have to get cracking on it. Much have I put aside.

There are plenty things that need my attention both art and non art related. As I type this I am looking at my current list of things to do, as well as, my general goal sheet. Right now it is simply telling me how little I have gotten done recently.

Though I can cross one thing off my list, I have finally purchased new post cars to send out to my contact list. That is always good. Also on the upside I have another patent assignment due at the end of the week. So that will also keep me busy.

Before I start that though I want to get a couple of the other things on this list out of the way.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stuff to do

I have plenty of things to do today.

There is some patent work waiting for me, so that has to be picked up. Also I have to contiune getting some work ready for an outdoor show. What's very exciting. Also I have work tonight at Nassau. So there is much to be done. I better get moving.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today we will unload the kiln and see what we got. every one keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, so exciting.

Aside from that, the usual.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Figuring out what to do

The interesting thing about doing a firing is that, for me, it consumes my focus. Nothing else id going on for me at that time. It is all about the kiln and what is happening with it. Pretty much everyting else that wasn't mandatory was pushed aside.

So as far as my usally daily routine, it was post poned.

Now of course i have to pick everything back up. Which is always way more difficult then the actual postponement.

So I can say pretty confidently that today, and perhaps more of the week will be devoted to getting back on track.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pressed for time

As the title suggests I am pressed for time today. As a matter of fact, because of the firing I have been pressed for time the past couple of days. This week will be mostly dedicated to catching up on things and resuming the daily schedule.

Speaking of the firing though, I think it went very well and I hope the rain didn't screw it up too much. I will be uploading photos soon to facebook.

Ok anyway I must be going...