Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day off tomorrow?

Now with the never ending news coverage of this storm coming our way tomorrow there is the possibility of me having a day off. Supposedly the storm should start tonight at 11 or midnight and keep going until 6pm. I start work at 5:30, so there is a possibility that the college will close and I won't have work.

As nice it would be to have a day off, it will also cost me in terms of not working. If I don't work I don't get paid and thus is the quandary of my life as I have designed it, thus far.

If I do have the day off tomorrow, it will balance out as I was on schedule to working around 50 hours this week, catching extra shifts at the gym. So instead of 50 hours it might be more then 45, which is still over full time and more money in the next round of paychecks, so that is always nice.

the one thing that I plan on doing with the extra free time, as well as extra work time is to wrap up my inking projects. I have read the story of this second group of pages and studied the pages and made my game plan. Tonight I plan on doing some ink tests and then some color tests, to create the necessary road map. I am pretty confidant that by the end of the week/next Monday I should have this project completed.

So things are moving along at a good pace. I still need to work on my balancing act of work/art/writing/promoting. Sometimes it seems like I have it just right, but then I start working on this inking projects and things get skewed, and I want to be able to work on special projects and still have things running along smoothly. I suppose it is the perfectionist in me.

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