Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crossed some things off the list

I've gotten some things done on the list I made last week. That always feels good. However, some personal things as well as illustration stuff is still not coming to the forefront the way I would like.

In a sort of strange ironic circumstance I haven't been able to work on my own illustrations because I've been working on comics. I've been doing sketches for a page in the Pronto Spectacular project. I actually need to have the finished pencils done by tomorrow. A deadline I am not sure if I will make fully, luckily I am moving along and a good enough speed that if I am late, it won't be by much.

Also I am now editing a new Pronto anthology on war. So this is cutting into my time as well. Its strange my goals are getting in the way of my goals....

Anyway I am beginning to wonder if I need to rethink my idea of productivity. If I am indeed just shoveling shit against the tide, when I should in fact be riding the current a bit more. Would it be the end of the world if i only self promote and most of my Internet work on Wednesdays, when I have the most time to do so?

I suppose it wouldn't.

Perhaps instead I should focus on my old strategy of "one project at a time, every project a success." Those projects would be (for myself) new illustrations/drawings, updating my website and putting out a new mailing. If i focus on each of those project one at a time, in that order I might get more done, then trying to do all three at once.

As far as Pronto goes the project are finishing up my page, editing the war anthology, inking. That is in order of due date, roughly.

Everything else in my life, I'll handle when there is free time, or I can make free time to do so, I suppose.

Another thing though, is that i have resigned myself to the fact that if I am not juggling a million things at once, while going at full speed, I don't know what the hell to do with myself.

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