Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Over the last week or so I've been feeling overwhelmed with things to do and the subsequent feeling of failure at not getting enough done. In some ways it feels like my head is filled with too many things at once. The last couple of nights its been hard to get to sleep with thoughts racing around my mind.

So last night I spent a couple of minutes sitting alone in a quiet room with the lights off clearing my head. Then I started writing down everything I needed to do, from the biggest professional project to the most common place task. I filled up a page in one of my legal pads.

However I find things are easier when they are put down on paper and made into a list. It makes it conquerable. Now I feel like I can chip away at this list and actually get things done without feeling overwhelmed, well almost not overwhelmed.

As usual though it would be helpful to have 4 more hours in the day.

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