Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Running around today

Wednesday has become the closest day that I have to off. Well that is not entirely true, Tuesday morning to Wednesday evening I have off, I believe I calculated it to about 32 hours or so. Yesterday after I got off work I took my new car to get inspected and then went home to take my post-opening nap. When I got up I ran an errand or two and then went to Adelphi to see what was going on over there.

When I got home I published another Sunday Leftover blog on redgage and then a new food blog. I got some time to do a little inking on a sample page. So it was a roughly productive day.

Speaking of productivity I've learned more about myself in how to be productive. It requires a lot of discipline, which for some might be a no brainer, but can be easier said then done. The thing that I have learned is that I need to ignore or put aside all the distractions that the Internet can provide. Which is difficult because it is pretty hard to not watch TV, or go on certain sites that are pointless, in terms of completing a task.

Now I have been able to do this when trying to complete most things. I feel I have been able to keep track of my personal responsibilities and content. The only area in which I feel I am linking is in inking. I still need to find time and work on these new pages, but I will get it done.

Today I have some more errands to run and then I am going to Dowling to work from 6 to 10.

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